How to Make the Best Summer Sangria

Dad's Sangria - Cocktail Recipe

My Dad had the best Summer Sangria recipe. Using the best summer fruits, plus a dash a brandy, it’s perfect for a hot summer day, picnics, dinner parties and any other summer entertaining you might be having! Sangria is not only Spain’s favorite red wine punch, but you will be surprised to know that the

How to Drink Roomer Liqueur with Jereon Michels-Devaere

Jeroen and Tine Michels-Devaere, RoomeR, Ghent

Jereon Michels-Devaere’s grandmother came up with a plan – keep making elderflower liqueur and no one in her family could stay away. Needless to say it worked, worked so well that her grandson took up the helm and made all of Belgium want it as well. Little by little, RoomeR has grown from a small

How to Bring a ’70s Cocktail Back to the Future with Michael Mann and Jess Mili

Michael Mann, UK Brand Ambassador & Jessica Mili, Bols Around the World Champion 2017, Lucas Bols, Amsterdam

It worked for our guest today, but I don’t recommend it unless of course you are as talented as he. Missing deadlines, ignoring briefs, but using his quick wits and competitive spirit, Michael Mann has rightfully garnered the title UK Brand Ambassador of Bols Genever and Galliano.    We are also joined by Jess Mili,

How to Drink Xoriguer Mahón Gin with Maria Teixidor

Maria Teixidor, Gin Xoriguer, Mahón

Have you been on holiday and want to bring a bit of that sunshine home with you?  On my last trip to Menorca, I met our guest today, Maria Teixidor, at the distillery of Gin Xoriguer in the capital city of Mahon. We discussed the history of gin on the island and how the Pomada

How to Make Winning a Bartending Competition Look Easy with Aidan Bowie!

Aidan Bowie, Dandelyan, London

Superlatives are needed when describing our next guest, Aidan Bowie,  and his place of employment, Dandelyan, (now revamped and opened as Lyaness) in London. World Class Diageo UK Bartender of 2016, Class Magazine’s Best Bar in the UK, Best Hotel Bar and Best Drinks Menu for their Modern Botany theme as well as one for

How to Drink at Milroys of Soho with Simo (and Chester)

Simo, Milroy's, London

Lucky for whisky drinkers around the world, our guest today turned his back on a career as a Chemical Engineer and headed behind the bar.  Simo’s entrepreneurial streak led him to revive one of the oldest whisky stores in London, Milroy’s of Soh Before anyone else even knew about drinking single-malt whisky, except the Scottish

How to Drink with John Ennis & Matt Farrell, Graffiti Spirits Group

John Ennis & Matt Farrell, Graffiti Spirits Group, Liverpool & London

Can you tell the difference between Coke from a glass, can or soda gun? Our guests today, John Ennis and Matt Farrell can and it’s that attention to detail that makes their Liverpool bars so successful. They’re now making us Londoners so happy by opening up a pop-up of their tequila and mezcal bar El

How to Drink Langley’s Gin with Jonathan Zammit-Tabona

Jonathan Zammit-Tabona, Global Brand Ambassador, Langley’s Gin

Our guest may be the only person in history to move back to London for the weather! Thankfully, after years of commuting from New Zealand to Canada as a ski-instructor and bartender, Jonathan Zammit-Tabona came home and is now fueling the flames of the modern gin craze. As Brand Ambassador for Langley’s Gin, he can

How to Drink at the Walrus Room with Alfonso Califano

Alfonso Califano, The Walrus Room, London

The time may have “come to talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–Of cabbages–and kings…,” but all I wanted to do was sit down with my guest today to talk cocktails. The mix of Alfonso Califano’s over-the-top enthusiasm and his inherent Italian hospitality is drawing them south of the river, before you can even