Lucky for whisky drinkers around the world, our guest today turned his back on a career as a Chemical Engineer and headed behind the bar. Simo’s entrepreneurial streak led him to revive one of the oldest whisky stores in London, Milroy’s of Soh
Before anyone else even knew about drinking single-malt whisky, except the Scottish of course, Jack and Wallace Milroy were in their van traipsing across the wilds of Islay to bring it back down to London. Originally opened in 1964, Milroy’s of Soho grew into a mecca for those looking to sip the angel’s share. After a turbulent few years, it is now back from the ashes.
Along with his companion, Chester, a Jack Russell, who really runs the show, Simo brought Milroy’s back to the glory of its former days. Not only do people come from around the world to buy hard-to-get whiskeys from Scotland and abroad, but old customers who knew it “when” are returning to Milroy’s in droves.
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Theme music for Lush Life is by Steven Shapiro, and used with permission.
Lush Life is always and will be forever produced by Evo Terra and Simpler Media Productions.