Author Archives: Susan L. Schwartz

Florence Cocktail Week returns to Florence from 17th to 23rd of April, 2023

Florence Cocktail Week returns to Florence from the 17th to the 23rd of April 2023.

How to Write about Drinks with Millie Milliken

Do you remember Plato’s work, Symposium? Yep, that took place at a drinks party. Philosopher

How to Master Drinks PR with Alex Chatwin & Alex Irving

You’ve finally done it – opened your bar, launched your spirit, won your first cocktail

Paradiso Presents Second Edition of the Sustainability Summit this March!

Paradiso, Barcelona, for years a pioneer of sustainability, presents the second edition of the Sustainability

Lush Guide to Sobieski Vodka

Distilled in Poland, Sobieski Vodka is a great vodka for all the cocktails you love.