4th of April. 1 day, 7 of the most influential women in the industry, 1 roundtable, and 5 guest shift, to honor the invaluable contributions of women in the bar industry.

In a few days, Nouvelle Vague will host the first aMUSEus event, in Tirana, on Thursday, 4th of April 2024. The purpose of aMUSEus is to bring the drink industry together to inspire and educate the Albanian industry to deliver equal opportunity across all genders, in order to create a better future and opportunities.
Join us for an unforgettable gathering as seven of the most inspiring women from the global bar industry come together for a day and night of celebration at Nouvelle Vague, one of Tirana’s most innovative bars. Representing their bars and serving their signature drinks, they’ll captivate both the Nouvellers and the wider Albanian crowd. This event aims to redefine hospitality norms in Tirana and the whole of Albania, by showcasing the importance of women in bar management and other roles.
“We see that in Albania, we still have only a few women working in bars, and we would like to change that. By emphasizing their indispensable role, with this event, the hope is to inspire local women to consider careers in this amazing profession and show the local industry the importance of creating a safe and inclusive work environment for all professionals to grow” say Sofokli and Evis Calì, owners of Nouvelle Vague and organizers of the event.
Event Highlights:
“aMUSEus,” wants to combine inspiration, amusement, and creativity, symbolizing the convergence of remarkable women who will work their magic under one roof, amusing and inspiring us all.
The event begins in the afternoon, at 14:00, with a round table discussion focusing on the pivotal role of women in the hospitality industry. Guests will gain insights into the importance of female presence and influence in bars. The roundtable will take place in Destil Creative Hub Tirana.
At, night, the guest shifts will start with an outdoor street bar concept, where one guest bartender from 20:00 will serve drinks from the Bossa Nova Cocktail Van, a Nouvelle Vague creation stationed outside the bar. Inside, at 9:00 PM, the event kicks off across two floors of Nouvelle, with two guest bartenders on each level.
Ad Disha, one of the city’s top DJs, will provide exclusive entertainment throughout the evening.
The Roundtable:
In a thought-provoking panel discussion, industry leaders will address crucial topics such as fostering a safer and more supportive environment for women in bars, achieving work-life balance, understanding cultural nuances, and financial planning. The session aims to identify barriers hindering women’s career progression and propose actionable solutions to promote diversity and inclusion.
The moderator will be Arina Nikolskaya, founder of Shift Project, organizer of Nomad Bar Show, and Academy Chair for Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Baltics for The World’s 50 Best Bars. Panelists: Margarita Sader (Paradiso, Spain); Manal Ouardane (Salmon Guru, Spain); Flavi Andrade (Rossio Gastrobar, Portugal); Agapi Petropoulou (A for Athens, Greece); Manon Kapfer (Avra at Four Seasons Athens, Greece).
aMUSEus – Thursday, 4th April 2024
- 14:00 – 15:00 – Roundtable – location: Destil Creative Hub Tirana, Albania
- 20:00 – 23:00 – Guest shift – location: NOUVELLE VAGUE Tirana, Albania