The big game is here. What are the ingredients for a perfect Super Bowl cocktail: make it easy, make it American, and throw in some beer. The 10 Super Bowl cocktails on this list have at least one or more of these ingredients. Go team!!
Each of these Super Bowl Cocktails is a classic in every sense of the word – either an American classic, brunch classic or just a good-old, grid-iron great cocktail! Have fun drinking one or more, and I hope your team wins!
10 Easy Super Bowl Cocktails
I had to start the list with this classic American cocktail. Three ingredients makes it so simple to make; bourbon makes it so simple to drink.
The cocktail that eats like a meal! Even if you are tailgating at home, a batch of Bloodies is perfect all day!
Good enough for a horse race, perfect for a football game. Again only three ingredients - mint, sugar and Bourbon and purely American!
This may seem Christmasy in nature, but it is the perfect Gin Punch for a winter's day and you can make a big batch for all!
Two teams = two ingredients! Need I say more?
A classic of gin, lemon juice, sugar and sparkling water. Easy to make, easy to drink!
If and when your team wins, you'll need a bottle of bubbly to celebrate. Crack it open early to make this blood-red classic!
Fifty-five years ago, they were drinking martinis by the bucket. If you want to toast to the first Super Bowl ever, this is the cocktail to make.
A twist on the screwdriver and a great classic at any time! Make up a batch of these for half-time. Perfect with any Half-Time entertainment.
If you are bored with beer, take it in a totally new direction! With the addition of a simple ingredient, your beer will never taste the same.