If you already call yourself a cocktail fan, then I will take it for granted that my two guests are already known to you. If not, I am proud to introduce you to The Cocktail Lovers!
Who are The Cocktail Lovers? Just the industry icons who launched the award-winning The Cocktail Lovers magazine 11 years ago.
Individually they are Sandrae Lawrence and Gary Sharpen. They’ve been listed on the London Evening Standard’s The Progress 1000 of London’s Most Influential People, the Bar World Top 100 people in the drinks industry, and too many other lists to list here!
They are also my friends, and finally, after ages of trying, we were able to schedule a moment to sit down and have a chat.
Our cocktail of the week is the Gin Martini – now Gary likes his super dry, and Sandrae likes it less dry – so I leave the amount of vermouth up to you.
This recipe is slightly on the wetter side.
Cocktail of the Week: The Dry Martini
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Theme music for Lush Life is by Steven Shapiro, and used with permission.
Lush Life is always and will be forever produced by Evo Terra and Simpler Media Productions.